Attach a NextGen IDE to a Study (Tutorial)

Abbreviations Key
HISEHuman Immune System Explorer
IDEintegrated development environment

At a Glance

A HISE study is a workspace for collaborative research. Studies contain documents, data, visualizations, research methods, statistics, IDEs, Certificates of Reproducibility, and other project materials This document explains how to attach a NextGen IDE to a study in HISE.


Upload the IDE to the study

1. Navigate to HISE and use your organizational email address to sign in.

2. From the top navigation menu, clickj RESEARCH > IDE NextGen.

3. Find the card for the IDE you want to add to your study, and click the boxed arrow icon in the lower-left corner to open it.


Attach the IDE to the study

1. From the top navigation menu in HISE, choose COLLABORATION SPACE. 

2. Find and click the card for the study to which you want to attach the IDE.

3. From the side navigation menu, choose IDE Instances

This tab lists all the notebooks that have uploaded data or visualizations to your study. The instances include visualization-related IDEs  and files-related IDEs for uploaded data sets.

4. In the side navigation menu, click UPLOAD FILES.

Related Resources

Create Your First NextGen IDE Instance (Tutorial)

Manage NextGen IDE Instances (Tutorial)

Best Practices for NextGen IDE Users