Clinical lab results and Sample Metadata

At clinical visits at which subjects contributed blood samples, we also collected samples for a battery of clinical laboratory tests including Blood Chemistry, Blood Counts, Inflammatory Markers, and Lipid Profiles. These clinical laboratory results are available to download below.

Descriptors of the columns in our clinical lab results table can be found in the downloadable "clinical_lab_descriptors" table, or by clicking the header below:

Subject and Sample Metadata

Our clinical labs dataset results contain some sample-level metadata to enable connection between these results and samples used in other modalities. The sample.sampleKitGuid identifier is used across many data modalities:

Sample Identifiers
cohort.cohortGuid: A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the Cohort the subject enrolled in for our study subject.subjectGuid: A GUID for the Subject
sample.sampleKitGuid: A GUID for the Sample Kit, representing all material collected at a visit
sample.sampleGuid: A GUID for the sample collected for clinical lab testing

Subject Metadata (prefix: subject)
subject.biologicalSex: The biological sex of the Subject
subject.birthYear: The Birth Year of the Subject
subject.ageAtFirstDraw: The Age of the Subject at their first on-study sample collection
subject.race: The self-reported Race of the Subject
subject.races: The self-reported Race of the Subject
subject.ethnicity: The self-reported Ethnicity of the subject

Sample Metadata (prefix: sample)
sample.visitName: The name of the study visit (i.e. time point)
sample.visitDetails: Additional visit purpose/details, where available
sample.drawDate: The date of the study visit (Month and Year; e.g. 2021-03)
sample.subjectAgeAtDraw: The age of the Subject in years at the time of sample collection
sample.daysSinceFirstVisit: Timing of the sample collection relative to the first visit date (usually Flu Year 1 Day 0)
sample.diseaseStatesRecordedAtVisit: Disease state recored at the date of sample collection.

Clinical Lab Results

Data in the following columns of our table are results from clinical laboratory tests. Below, we show the column name, full name, units used, and normal ranges (where available). Normal ranges are provided as a guide, but may vary between clinical laboratories.

Anthropometric measures (prefix: am)

Colum NameFull NameUnits
am.bmiBody Mass Index (BMI)

Blood chemistry (prefix: chem)

Colum NameFull NameUnitsNormal Range
chem.altAlanine Transaminase (ALT)Units per L7 - 52
chem.albuminAlbuming per dL3.5 - 5.7
chem.alkaline_phosphataseAlkaline PhosphataseUnits per L39 - 117
chem.astAspartate Aminotransferase (AST)Units per L12 - 39
chem.t_biliBilirubin, Total (T-Bili)mg per dL0.1 - 1.3
chem.bunBlood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)mg per dL7 - 25
chem.calciumCalciummg per dL8.6 - 10.3
chem.co2Carbon Dioxide (CO2)mmol per L21 - 31
chem.clChloride (Cl)mmol per L98 - 108
chem.creatinineCreatininemg per dL0.7 - 1.3
chem.egfr_aaEstimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) - African Americanml per min per 1.73 m2< 60
chem.egfr_non_aaEstimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) - Non-African Americanml per min per 1.73 m2< 60
chem.globinGlobing per dL2 - 3.5
chem.glucoseGlucosemg per dL70 - 199
chem.ldhLactate DehydrogenaseUnits0 - 210
chem.magnesiumMagnesiummg per dL1.8 - 2.4
chem.phosphatePhosphatemg per dL2.5 - 4.5
chem.potassiumPotassiummmol per L3.5 - 5.1
chem.proteinProtein, Totalg per dL6.4 - 8.9
chem.sodiumSodiummmol per L133 - 145

Blood Counts (prefix: bc)

Colum NameFull NameUnitsNormal Range
bc.perc_basophils% Basophilspercent
bc.perc_eosinophils% Eosinophilspercent
bc.perc_lymphocytes% Lymphocytespercent
bc.perc_monocytes% Monocytespercent
bc.perc_neutrophils% Neutrophilspercent
bc.basophil_countAbsolute Basophil Countcount per uL0 - 202
bc.eosinophil_countAbsolute Eosinophil Count (AEC)count per uL0 - 400
bc.lymphocyte_countAbsolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC)count per uL1000 - 4800
bc.monocyte_countAbsolute Monocyte Count (AMC)count per uL200 - 900
bc.neutrophil_countAbsolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)count per uL1800 - 6600
bc.hematocritHematocritpercent39.2 - 50.2
bc.hemoglobinHemoglobing per dL12.1 - 18.1
bc.mchMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)pg27.5 - 35.1
bc.mchcMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)g per dL32 - 36
bc.mcvMean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)fL80 - 100
bc.mpvMean Platelet Volume (MPV)fL7.2 - 11.7
bc.platelet_countPlatelet Countthousand count per uL150 - 400
bc.red_blood_cell_countRed Blood Cell Countmillion count per uL4.18 - 6.09
bc.rdwRed Cell Distribution Width (RDW)percent11.7 - 14.2
bc.wbcWhite Blood Cell Count (WBC)thousand count per uL4 - 11.1

HCMV Serology (prefix: cmv)

Colum NameFull Name
cmv.igg_serologyCMV IgG Serology Result (ELISA)
cmv.igg_serology_interpretationCMV IgG Serology Result Interpretation

Inflammatory Markers (prefix: infl)

Colum NameFull Name
infl.hs_crpC-Reactive Protein, High-Sensitivity (HS-CRP)
infl.rf_iga_interpretationRFIgA Interpretation
infl.rf_iga_resultRFIgA Result
infl.rf_igm_interpretationRFIgM Interpretation
infl.rf_igm_resultRFIgM Result
infl.esrSED Rate-Westergren (ESR)

Lipid Profile (prefix: lip)

Column NameFull NameUnitsNormal Range
lip.cholesterol_hdlCholesterol, HDLmg per dL40 - 59
lip.cholesterol_ldlCholesterol, LDLmg per dL57 - 129
lip.cholesterol_non_hdlCholesterol, Non-HDLmg per dL0 - 189
lip.cholesterol_totalCholesterol, Totalmg per dL136 - 239
lip.chlesterol_hdl_ratioCholesterol/HDL Ratioratio
lip.triglyceridesTriglyceridesmg per dL48 - 149
Sound Life Clinical Lab Results and Metadata
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scRNA-seq Data

scRNA-seq data was generated on the 10x Genomics 3' scRNA-seq Platform (v3.1). For data collection and processing details, see the Cohorts, Experimental Methods, and Data Analysis Methods sections.

Below, we provide labeled and annotated PBMC scRNA-seq data from our healthy adult cohorts. Because this is a large dataset, we have divided the data to enable data transfer.

All .h5ad files for this project contain sample and subject metadata, in addition to cell type labels and QC metrics. Click the header below for descriptions of these metadata:

Each file contains sample-level metadata, as well as cell-level cell type labels and QC metrics. The following values are stored in the .obs section of these .h5ad files as descriptions of observations:

Sample Identifiers
cohort.cohortGuid: A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the Cohort the subject enrolled in for our study subject.subjectGuid: A GUID for the Subject
sample.sampleKitGuid: A GUID for the Sample Kit, representing all material collected at a visit
specimen.specimenGuid: A GUID for the specific aliquot used for the experiment
pipeline.fileGuid: A GUID for the specific analysis pipeline output file used for analysis

Subject Metadata
subject.biologicalSex: The biological sex of the Subject
subject.birthYear: The Birth Year of the Subject
subject.ageAtFirstDraw: The Age of the Subject at their first on-study sample collection
subject.ageGroup: The Age Group of the Subject (Young Adult or Older Adult)
subject.race: The self-reported Race of the Subject
subject.ethnicity: The self-reported Ethnicity of the subject
subject.cmv: The CMV Status of the subject, as determined by an HCMV assay
subject.bmi: The BMI of the Subject

Sample Metadata
sample.visitName: The name of the study visit (i.e. time point)
sample.drawDate: The date of the study visit (Month and Year; e.g. 2021-03)
sample.subjectAgeAtDraw: The age of the Subject in years at the time of sample collection

Process Identifiers
batch_id: A GUID for the batch of samples processed together (e.g. B039)
pool_id: A GUID for the pool of samples combined for Cell Hashing (e.g. B039-P1)
chip_id: A GUID for the 10x Genomics chip the cells were loaded into (e.g. B039-P1C2)
well_id: A GUID for the 10x Genomics well the cells were loaded into within the chip (e.g. B039-P1C2W4)
*barcodes: A GUID for the individual cell
original_barcodes: The original, sequence-based barcode generated by 10x Genomics Cell Ranger software
cell_name: A quasi-unique, memorable cell identifier generated using an adjective-adjective-animal structure

*used as the primary cell index in our .h5ad files

Cell QC Metrics
n_reads: Number of reads assigned to the cell barcode
n_umis: Number of Unique Molecular Identifiers (unique molecules) detected
n_genes: Number of genes with at least 1 UMI detected
total_counts_mito: Total number of reads that were assigned to mitochondrial genes
pct_counts_mito: Percent of reads that were assigned to mitochondrial genes
doublet_score: Doublet score assigned by Scrublet for doublet detection

Cell Labeling Results
AIFI_L1: Final broad class cell type label (9 types)
AIFI_L1_score: AIFI_L1 prediction score generated by CellTypist
predicted_AIFI_L1: Predicted AIFI_L1 type assigned by CellTypist
AIFI_L2: Final mid resolution cell type label (29 types)
AIFI_L2_score: AIFI_L2 prediction score generated by CellTypist
predicted_AIFI_L2: Predicted AIFI_L2 type assigned by CellTypist
AIFI_L3: Final high resolution cell type label (71 types)
AIFI_L3_score: AIFI_L3 prediction score generated by CellTypist
predicted_AIFI_L3: Predicted AIFI_L3 type assigned by CellTypist

Subject Group .h5ad files

Here, we group samples based on Cohort, Subject Biological Sex, and CMV status to generate subsets of data for use in analysis.

We are providing our scRNA-seq data in AnnData (.h5ad) format. For more details about AnnData, see the AnnData Documentation Page.

Each file provided below contains a subset of the full > 13 million cell dataset. Sample counts, cell counts, and approximate file sizes are below:

File NameN SubjectsN SamplesN CellsFile Size
SoundLife_OlderAdult_Female_CMVneg.h5ad10911,350,74821 GB
SoundLife_OlderAdult_Female_CMVpos.h5ad171632,596,11141 GB
SoundLife_OlderAdult_Male_CMVneg.h5ad121161,750,56529 GB
SoundLife_OlderAdult_Male_CMVpos.h5ad8801,322,06121 GB
SoundLife_YoungAdult_Female_CMVneg.h5ad181622,616,82441 GB
SoundLife_YoungAdult_Female_CMVpos.h5ad10761,234,23412 GB
SoundLife_YoungAdult_Male_CMVneg.h5ad121071,712,24428 GB
SoundLife_YoungAdult_Male_CMVpos.h5ad9731,206,76112 GB

Sound Life Subject Group .h5ad Files
File NameDescriptionDownload Link
Sound_Life_OlderAdult_Female_CMVneg.h5ad Female CMV-negative Older Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_OlderAdult_Female_CMVpos.h5ad Female CMV-positive Older Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_OlderAdult_Male_CMVneg.h5ad Male CMV-negative Older Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_OlderAdult_Male_CMVpos.h5ad Male CMV-positive Older Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_YoungAdult_Female_CMVneg.h5ad Female CMV-negative Young Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_YoungAdult_Female_CMVpos.h5ad Female CMV-positive Young Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_YoungAdult_Male_CMVneg.h5ad Male CMV-negative Young Adult Subjects
Sound_Life_YoungAdult_Male_CMVpos.h5ad Male CMV-positive Young Adult Subjects

Cell type .h5ad files

Here, we group cells by major cell type category. These files contain cells from all samples.

We are providing our scRNA-seq data in AnnData (.h5ad) format. For more details about AnnData, see the AnnData Documentation Page.

Each file provided below contains a subset of the full > 13 million cell dataset. Sample counts, cell counts, and approximate file sizes are below:

File NameN CellsFile Size
SoundLife_b_plasma.h5ad1,205,08511 GB
SoundLife_dc_monocyte.h5ad2,643,67458 GB
SoundLife_nk.h5ad1,114,97511 GB
SoundLife_other.h5ad94,2440.6 GB
SoundLife_t_cd4_memory.h5ad2,640,49940 GB
SoundLife_t_cd4_naive.h5ad2,839,09938 GB
SoundLife_t_cd8.h5ad2,264,10234 GB
SoundLife_t_other.h5ad987,8709 GB

Sound LIfe Cell Type Group .h5ad Files
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Cell type frequency data

After labeling cell types, we tabulated the cell count for each of the 868 samples utilized in our study at each level of resolution in our Immune Health Atlas. Below, we provide these cell counts, the fraction of counts for each sample, and the centered log ratio (CLR) transformation of those fractions that we utilized for our analyses.

In addition, we utilized the absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) provided in our clinical blood count lab results for each sample (available below) to compute estimated cell type abundance based on normalization to ALC. For more details, see our Data Analysis Methods.

Descriptors of columns in the cell type frequency tables can be accessed by clicking on the header below:

Sample Metadata columns
cohort.cohortGuid: Cohort ID (BR1 or BR2)
subject.subjectGuid: Subject ID
subject.biologicalSex: Subject Sex (Female or Male)
subject.cmv: Subject CMV Status (Negative or Positive)
subject.bmi: Subject BMI (integer)
subject.race: Subject race
subject.ethnicity: Subject ethnicity
subject.birthYear: Subject Birth Year
subject.ageAtFirstDraw: Subject Age at earliest blood draw in study
sample.sampleKitGuid: Sample Kit ID
sample.visitName: Sample Visit Name
sample.drawDate: Sample Draw Date (Year-Month)
sample.subjectAgeAtDraw: Subject age at time of draw, based on year of Draw Date and Birth Year
specimen.specimenGuid: Specimen ID (pbmc_sample_id in .h5 files)

Frequency-related columns
(for AIFI_L1 as an example; AIFI_L1 is replaced with AIFI_L2 and AIFI_L3 for those levels)

AIFI_L1: Cell Type assignment
AIFI_L1_count: Count of cells within this sample with cell type assignment
total_cells: Total cells within this sample
scrna.lymphocyte_count: Sum of T, NK, and B cells
bc.lymphocyte_count: Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) from clinical Blood Counts (bc.)
alc_ratio: ALC per scRNA Lymphocyte Count
AIFI_L1_frac_total: Fraction of cells with cell type assignment divided by Total cells for this sample
AIFI_L1_alc: ALC estimate for this cell type assignment
AIFI_L1_clr: Centered Log Ratio computed using AIFI_L1_frac_total for all types within this sample

Sound Life scRNA-seq Cell Type Frequencies
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Pseudobulk scRNA-seq data

To perform analysis and display data per cell type for each sample, we assembled pseudobulk expression values for each high resolution (AIFI_L3) cell type in our cell type labels.

For use with differential expression tests using the DESeq2 framework, we assembled total UMI counts for each sample and cell type. For display of average expression, we normalized and log-transformed scRNA-seq count data, then computed mean values for each sample and cell type.

Below, we provide matrices of pseudobulk expression for each of these metrics, as well as sample and cell type metadata that are necessary for analysis.

Sound Life Pseudobulk scRNA-seq Data
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Differential expression test results

We utilized DESeq2 to perform comparisons between groups of pseudobulk scRNA-seq samples in our healthy cohorts. Most of these comparisons were cross-sectional; that is, we used data from a single time point (Flu Year 1 Day 0) to compare age groups, CMV status groups, and biological sex groups. For the Flu Vaccine comparison, we performed comparisons between 7 days post-vaccination (Flu Year 1 Day 7) and the day of vaccine administration (Flu Year 1 Day 0) for all subjects with longitudinal collection across both time points.

In each case, we provide a "Foreground" and "Background" group designation. Differential expression results with positive log2(Fold Change) indicate higher expression in the "Foreground" group, while results with negative values indicate higher expression in the "Background" group.

ComparisonscRNA-seq columnBackground GroupForeground Group
Age Groupcohort.cohortGuidBR1 (Young Adult)BR2 (Older Adult)
Flu Vaccinesample.visitNameFlu Year 1 Day 0Flu Year 1 Day 7
CMV Statussubject.cmvNegativePositive
Biological Sexsubject.biologicalSexFemaleMale

For each comparison, we provide DESeq results for each cell type and gene. For additional details, see the Data Analysis Methods section. Descriptions of the columns in these results are available by clicking the header below.

DEG Results columns
AIFI_L3: Level 3 (high resolution) cell type used for differential expression test
fg: Foreground group in the contrast
bg: Background group in the contrast
gene: Gene symbol for the contrast test
log2fc: Log2(Fold Change) of average expression between groups.
padj: Adjusted P-value for the contrast test (using the Benjamini and Hochberg FDR method)
pvalue: Original P-value generated by DESeq2 for the contrast test
stat: Test statistic generated by DESeq2 for the contrast test

Sound Life Differential Gene Expression Results
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scRNA-seq Batch Controls and QC Reports

As part of our scRNA-seq pipeline, we include a batch control sample as an aliquot of PBMCs derived from a single leukapheresis draw. Here, we provide the scRNA-seq data in .h5 format for use in batch comparisons to identify batch effects.

In total, this dataset contained samples from 99 scRNA-seq batches from 143 hashed sample pools. For additional details about our multiplexing and batching approach, see our Multiplexed scRNA-seq methods.

Sound Life Batch Control and QC Report Files
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GEO .h5 data access

In addition to the assembled data, above, we have deposited the demultiplexed, per-sample Cell Ranger output .h5 files in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) for public access.

These .h5 files can be found on GEO at accession ID GSE271896.

These files can be read into analysis packages using functions designed for reading 10x Genomics Cell Ranger .h5 files.

Raw data in dbGaP

Raw data in FASTQ format will be available in dbGaP for controlled access. We are currently in the process of data deposition.