• Human Immune Health Atlas

    As part of our Immune Health Program at the Allen Institute for Immunology, we generated single cell RNA-seq data from > 1.8 million cells obtained from 108 healthy pediatric, young adult, and older adult donors with no history of of chronic or autoimmune disease, chronic infections, or severe allergy to generate a cross-age atlas of healthy peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The samples used in this study were obtained in collaboration with the Benaroya Research Institute and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

    Additional information about the construction and application of this atlas to healthy immune cell profiling can be found in our bioRxiv preprint:

    Gong Q, Sharma M, Kuan EL, Glass MC, Chander A, Singh M, et al. Longitudinal Multi-omic Immune Profiling Reveals Age-Related Immune Cell Dynamics in Healthy Adults. bioRxiv. 2024. p. 2024.09.10.612119. doi:10.1101/2024.09.10.612119

    See the sections linked to the left for more details about our cohorts, experiments and data analysis, reproducibility, downloads, and citation and contributor information.

    We also provide instructions for utilizing CellTypist models generated from this atlas to label your own human PBMC data.

    To interactively explore our PBMC Cell Type Atlas, we provide the following visualization tools:

    Quickly look up gene expression in our Human Immune Health Atlas with our Gene Expression Summary visualization tool.

    View Expression Reference

    Visualize a UMAP projection of our dataset to inspect PBMC subset labels, sample metadata, and gene expression patterns.

    Explore UMAP Visualization

    Investigate sample metadata and clinical lab results, including complete blood count, metabolic panel, and lipid panel generated for all subjects.

    Explore Clinical Data